Thursday, November 22, 2007


I am thankful, for my parents, who despite their efforts make me very angry at times. They mean well, ecspecially with all this college stuff, but it's so stressful sometimes and I take my anger out at them. I feel pretty bad for doing this, but I am thankful for everything that they do for me, from taking me to see colleges far, far away, to just taking care of me. So now, I can only try to show some appreciation for everything that they have done for me. I am also thankful that I got into the college that was my first choice, this is great for not just me, but also for my parents who will no longer have to deal with my anger and frustration and will see the kindness they deserve.

1 comment:

Ms. H said...

Congratulations on getting into your first choice! Do I still need to write you a letter of recommendation?!